Saturday, 27 October 2012

Gerakan mudah untuk bakar kalori part 1

Hello guys , waa lama sua x update post nii .. so hari nii sya mau share ngan kmurang tips untuk membakar kalorii dgn mudah tanpa perlu pigi gym lagii . baa kamu nmpak kaa gmbar d atas tue well naah siapa yg tidak mahu badan yng sihat and kuat kan mcm tuee .. lagii pun neh gerakan x mengambil masa yg lama , senang lagii tue .. 5 minit jak baa dapat c bakar byk kalorii .. tapii yg penting mesti ada niat dan motivasii yg kuat ..kalau ini pun kmurang malas gak tia tau lar sya ..

Melompat bukanlah hal yang sukar hanya dalam 5 minit melompat , anda boleh membakar sebanyak 68 kalori . bayangkan kalau anda melakukannya dengan lebih lama .
Tidak perlu lari dengan intensiti yang tinggi.Berlari santai boleh juga dilakukan selama 5 minit di dalam taman mahupun di laman rumah. Anda boleh bakar 62 kalori , gabungkan berlari dan melmpat juga sudah boleh membantu membakar lebih banyak kalori bukan ?
Selain membersihkan rumah , aktiviti menyapu , mengelap habuk , mengemas dan sebagainya dapat mebakar 34 kalori , dalam tempoh 30 minit membersihkan rumah sudah dapat mebakar banyak kalori.Badan lebih ringan dan segar walaupun hanya membuat kerja rumah kan ? jadi , jangan malas membersihkan rumah anda.

okey ini jak buat masa nii ada 7 lagii gerakan mudah untuk membakar kalorii .. jgn lupa follow me okey ;)

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Yeah .. This is bap Yes Sir ! hii guys this is my new favourite group <3 ...
BAP mean BEST , ABSOLUTE , PERFECT .. I Love them so much ..  i love their style , their music , their dance and everything about them.. this is the profile of b.a.p check it out :)

Birth Name: Bang Yong Guk
Stage Name: Yongguk
Nickname: Inversion Rapper
Position: Leader, Main Rapper
Birth Date: March 31, 1990
Blood Type: O
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Education: KyungHee Cyber University
Hobbies: Baseball, basketball, playing by himself
Special Talents: Writing songs and lyrics, composing
Personality: Tough, brusque
Fun Facts:
- His respected musician is 1TYM’s Teddy.
- His ideal type of woman is a virtuous woman.
- Yongguk is apparently awkward when he’s alone together with Daehyun.
- He shares the same top bunk beds with Jongup and Himchan.
- His favorite movie is Constantine.
- Each of them has their respective chores, and Yongguk manages what goes on in the dorm.
- He is the closest to Himchan.
- Although he is brusque, but he is very softhearted and cries often.
- If B.A.P were a family, he’d be the dad.
- He didn’t know how to talk until he was 5 years old.
- He is a member of the underground hip hop crew, “Soul Connection” with stage name “Jepp Blackman”.
- He was featured in Secret’s MV: “Shy Boy” & “Starlight Moonlight”.
- He was released his solo single titled “I Remember” with B2ST’s Yoseob & “Going Crazy” with Secret’s Song Ji Eun.
he is the leader in this group , i love his voice so much :)
Birth Name: Kim Him Chan
Stage Name: Himchan
Bunny: Pink (TATSMATO)
Nickname: Instrument Ulzzang
Position: Sub-Vocalist, Rapper, Face of The Group
Birth Date: April 19, 1990
Blood Type: O
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 69 kg
Personality: Gentle, against war, peacemaker. Cheerful and a bit hyperactive.
Education: National School for Traditional Music
Fun Facts:
- His ideal type of woman is a kind woman.
- He shares the same top bunk beds with Jongup and Yongguk.
- He is the closest to Yongguk.
- Each of them has their respective chores, and Himchan throws out the garbage.
- Himchan’s sister is very interested in B.A.P and she even designed the members’ signatures.
- He is an MC for MTV‘s “The Show”.
- He was featured in Jung Seulki’s MV: “Back in Plack Again”, Secret’s MV: “Shy Boy” & “Starlight Moonlight”, Song Ji Eun‘s MV: “Going Crazy” and Bang & Zelo‘s MV: “Never Give Up”.
- If B.A.P were a family, he’d be the mom.
YEah this is my favourite member in this group my visual and sexy himchan :) 
Birth Name: Jung Dae Hyun
Stage Name: Daehyun
Bunny: White (KEKEMATO)
Nickname: Busan’s Won Bin
Position: Main Vocalist
Birth Date: June 28, 1993
Blood Type: A
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Hometown: Busan
Personality: Shy, Tough
Education: Nataraja Academy, Busan
Fun Facts:
- His respected singer is 4Men’s Shin Yongjae.
- His ideal type of woman is someone like Shin Saimdang.
- He is the closest to Youngjae.
- He shares the same bottom bunk beds with Zelo and Youngjae.
- Daehyun is apparently awkward when he’s alone together with Yongguk.
- He’s also known as B.A.P.’s Hidden Card.
- Each of them has their respective chores, and Daehyun cleans the restroom.
- He speaks with a very heavy Busan dialect.
- If B.A.P were a family, he’d be the oldest son.
i Love his voice so powerfull :)

 Birth Name: Yoo Young Jae
Stage Name: Youngjae
Bunny: Yellow (JOKOMATO)
Nickname: Brain
Position: Lead Vocalist
Birth Date: January 24, 1994
Blood Type: AB
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Personality: Calm but a person who has lots of ups and downs
Education: Politic Industry High School
Fun Facts:
- His respected musician is Musiq Soulchild.
- His ideal type of woman is someone who likes him a lot.
- He shares the same bottom bunk beds with Daehyun and Zelo.
- He is the closest to Daehyun.
- Each of them has their respective chores, and Youngjae keeps everything organized.
- He loves electronic gadgets a lot.
- He also like finding things and explaining them to the members.
- He doesn’t want his future girlfriend to wear revealing clothing.
- If B.A.P were a family, he’d be the mom (he says that Himchan may say he is, but in reality Youngjae is).
his voice is powerfull too :)

 Birth Name: Moon Jong Up
Stage Name: Jongup
Bunny: Green (DADAMATO)
Nickname: Dance Shindong
Birth Date: February 6, 1995
Blood Type: B
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 66 kg
Position: Sub-Vocalist & Main Dancer
Personality: Shy
Education: Hanlim Arts High School
Fun Facts:
- He has no specific type for his ideal woman, but would like her to be older than him.
- His respected musician is Chris Brown.
- He shares the same bottom bunk beds with Yongguk and Himchan.
- He is the closest to Zelo.
- Each of them has their respective chores, and Jongup does the dishes.
- Also known as the awkward in the group.
- If B.A.P were a family, he’d be the second oldest son.
- He was featured in Secret’s MV: “Shy Boy” & “Starlight Moonlight”, and Bang & Zelo’s MV: “Never Give Up”.
he is the sexy dancer in this group , i like his abs and smile

Birth Name: Choi Jun Hong
Stage Name: Zelo
Bunny: Blue (TOTOMATO)
Nickname: 15-Year Old Genius
Position: Maknae, Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer
Birth Date: October 15, 1996
Blood Type: A
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Specialty: Rap, dance, beatbox
Personality: Introspective
Education: Sungdae Middle School
Fun Facts:
- His ideal type of woman is a person who’s good at English & have pretty smile.
- His respected musicians are Kanye West and
- His favorite movie is 2012.
- He shares the same bottom bunk beds with Daehyun and Youngjae.
- He is the closest to Jongup.
- Each of them has their respective chores, and Zelo does the laundry.
- Since Zelo is the maknae, he has to wash last and as a result he gets tired of waiting and falls asleep again.
- He is fond in hip hop, and practice 20 hours a day and he still feel like it was’nt enough.
- Also known as the “Fighter Robot” of B.A.P.
- His stage name comes from the Greek god “Zelos”, which is the god of rivalry.  He was named that because of how hard he worked amongst all his hyungs.
- If B.A.P were a family, he’d be the cute and pure maknae who gets the most love from his hyungs.

aww and last one the cutest maknae in bap .. i love his rapper skills <3
that all about my favourite num 1 kpop group , ii hope their will be success and become more popular with their amazing song :) hwaiiting bap ..

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Practical class group :)

 This is the number one group in practical class .. in this group consisted of 5 member Nanak , Didiey , FeLLy , ELiana and Ajeem .
 This is the number two group in practical class .. in this group consisted of 5 member Alexandria , cLay , kida , susan and Vanessa .
 This is the number three group in practical class .. in this group consisted of 5 member Nancy , kiko , siQa , Eka and khaii
This is the number four group in practical class .. in this group consisted of 5 member Ahsiang , Max , Noh , Normen and nicky 

My Sincere :)

Hey ! This is my classmates picture .. at this time we do practical class and took picture after finish doing our pastry product.
Yeah , this is my first courses after i finished taking spm .. 
At first , i didn't want to join this course because of that time i have part time job at sugarban as a waiters but my mom say this chance only come once in a life .
So after i thinking answer about it for 1 night , i decided to join this courses and i decided to studying and work at the same time . Early in the morning i going to class and after class i go to work .
But it not longer , i'm feel very tired to do same routine every day . finally i resign from my work and keep going on studying.
At first day at class im feeling so bored because i did not have any friend except my mom . i almost gave up and want to quit join this courses but my mom always give me the spirit to continue and finish this courses . im glad to have mom like this .

Weather Bad

12/06/2012 tuesday 
Today the weather it no good , 1 Malaysia getting a heavy rain and strong wind .. 
this is some picture of cloud that people capture and it look so scary .. 
I hope that nothing bad happen to our country .. 
Please pray to God for our safety .. Amen .. 

Monday, 11 June 2012

a Little bit infomation about me :)

 hey ! guys this is me .. its my new picture 2012 .. well as you know im not that perfect .. im chubby and shorty ehehe ~
 well , for your information I like to wear makeup, it is part of my life , I do not need plastic surgery to become beautiful .. I only use makeup to be beautiful ..
 Yeah ! maybe other people will like girl with natural look .. but I do not care about even if you want to critique me talk shit about how i look ,as i knowing you are not Gods or angels .. Nobody perfect rite ?
 i like to take "ss" picture :P but it that wrong ? I think it is not wrong because I do not take my picture without wearing any clothes .. as long as i take myself picture with clothes it still fine to be "SS" ahahahaha :)
Honestly, many people say that im proud @ sombong .. but im just embarrassed to talk to a stranger at first.
 okey , later i update new post :) btw thank ue for reading ..