Tuesday 12 June 2012

Practical class group :)

 This is the number one group in practical class .. in this group consisted of 5 member Nanak , Didiey , FeLLy , ELiana and Ajeem .
 This is the number two group in practical class .. in this group consisted of 5 member Alexandria , cLay , kida , susan and Vanessa .
 This is the number three group in practical class .. in this group consisted of 5 member Nancy , kiko , siQa , Eka and khaii
This is the number four group in practical class .. in this group consisted of 5 member Ahsiang , Max , Noh , Normen and nicky 

My Sincere :)

Hey ! This is my classmates picture .. at this time we do practical class and took picture after finish doing our pastry product.
Yeah , this is my first courses after i finished taking spm .. 
At first , i didn't want to join this course because of that time i have part time job at sugarban as a waiters but my mom say this chance only come once in a life .
So after i thinking answer about it for 1 night , i decided to join this courses and i decided to studying and work at the same time . Early in the morning i going to class and after class i go to work .
But it not longer , i'm feel very tired to do same routine every day . finally i resign from my work and keep going on studying.
At first day at class im feeling so bored because i did not have any friend except my mom . i almost gave up and want to quit join this courses but my mom always give me the spirit to continue and finish this courses . im glad to have mom like this .

Weather Bad

12/06/2012 tuesday 
Today the weather it no good , 1 Malaysia getting a heavy rain and strong wind .. 
this is some picture of cloud that people capture and it look so scary .. 
I hope that nothing bad happen to our country .. 
Please pray to God for our safety .. Amen .. 

Monday 11 June 2012

a Little bit infomation about me :)

 hey ! guys this is me .. its my new picture 2012 .. well as you know im not that perfect .. im chubby and shorty ehehe ~
 well , for your information I like to wear makeup, it is part of my life , I do not need plastic surgery to become beautiful .. I only use makeup to be beautiful ..
 Yeah ! maybe other people will like girl with natural look .. but I do not care about even if you want to critique me talk shit about how i look ,as i knowing you are not Gods or angels .. Nobody perfect rite ?
 i like to take "ss" picture :P but it that wrong ? I think it is not wrong because I do not take my picture without wearing any clothes .. as long as i take myself picture with clothes it still fine to be "SS" ahahahaha :)
Honestly, many people say that im proud @ sombong .. but im just embarrassed to talk to a stranger at first.
 okey , later i update new post :) btw thank ue for reading ..