Monday 11 June 2012

a Little bit infomation about me :)

 hey ! guys this is me .. its my new picture 2012 .. well as you know im not that perfect .. im chubby and shorty ehehe ~
 well , for your information I like to wear makeup, it is part of my life , I do not need plastic surgery to become beautiful .. I only use makeup to be beautiful ..
 Yeah ! maybe other people will like girl with natural look .. but I do not care about even if you want to critique me talk shit about how i look ,as i knowing you are not Gods or angels .. Nobody perfect rite ?
 i like to take "ss" picture :P but it that wrong ? I think it is not wrong because I do not take my picture without wearing any clothes .. as long as i take myself picture with clothes it still fine to be "SS" ahahahaha :)
Honestly, many people say that im proud @ sombong .. but im just embarrassed to talk to a stranger at first.
 okey , later i update new post :) btw thank ue for reading ..

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